Britishly Wicked

Don Draper is classy, Virginia Johnson or Cameron Howe look quite chic without effort, but the question here is, who is the coolest?, and, of course, what does cool mean in the TV context? It’s not just about wearing elegant suits, drinking Old-Fashions, being funny, charismatic or kicking asses all around, when a character (or a whole TV show) is cool everything in and around him need to share that feeling, the series must be self-conscious about this.

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We May Not Be The Young Ones Very Long

Some weeks ago we got the news that Rick Mayall had passed away at his house in London. Comedy was in mourning, we had just lost a main cast member of one the most influential sitcoms of all time whose echoes we can still hear in today’s TV shows. We had lost one of The Young Ones.

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